Pilar Elgueta

 “I investigate ways to describe the limitations of the representation through the very representation. The experience of the world is so big and goes beyond us that collapse our systems; often we are only able to capture only a small fragment, part of a whole,as if it were the hackneyed metaphor ofthe tip of an iceberg.”


Pilar Elgueta (1989) lives and works in Santiago, Chile.

Pilar has been producing work and developing projects from 2010 to date.

Currently, in a time divided between work in her workshop and research in the field, the artist creates trips -physical and conceptual- whose results she puts into dialogue as heterogeneous constellations in media and supports. A production that comes from an origin from painting, but in which analog and digital are intermingled today, addressing specific long-term projects such as image theory, landscape history, natural disasters, symbols of the era of screens, urban supports, engineering failures and environmental problems.

PILAR ELGUETA. “. J P G” (. J P G ) (2017). Neon and steel frame structure.

In her work, from the installation and recording of actions in various media, she reflects on man’s relationship with the landscape and its representation, the effort / result equation and the limits of our possibilities: a dialogue of arrogance and humility where it confronts the time of human production with the time of modification of natural matter.

PILAR ELGUETA. “Señalética Sentimental” (Sentimental Signage). (2019). Digital video of 7′. Reed structure and self-programmable battery and led screen system.

Investigating metaphors and actions in search of elaborating the question about wills and their futility, considering failure or wear as an aesthetic phenomenon.

PILAR ELGUETA. “Por el todo” (For the whole). (2015-2017). Installation. Oil on linen in iron structure. Projection of digital video loop 7′.
PILAR ELGUETA. “Tres maneras de fracasar frente a un paisaje” (Three ways of failing in front of a landscape”. (2015). Installation, digital photography, light box on iron structure.