MIA ART COLLECTION presents “Fragility” Art Exhibition – March 2023
MIA Art Collection – an international private and not-for-profit art collection that unites, visualizes and supports the role of women artists and their works, reaching across borders to over 33 countries and 900 works of art. The philanthropic nature of this collection is recognized in the art world for its work for over a decade.
Following in the footsteps of the successful MIA ART Collection exhibitions in Dubai, UAE titled “Serendipity” in 2022 and “Sense of Women” in 2021, MIA ART Collection is proud to present the 2023 art exhibition titled Fragility, presenting over 30 carefully selected artworks by women artists from across the world.
The exhibition focuses its energy on displaying the relationship between the feminine fragility and today’s contemporary society, capturing in the exhibition different approaches and perspectives of these global artists.

MIA Art Collection is a private and non-for-profit art collection focused on creating visibility and supporting women artists in a responsible, sustainable and global way. In 2020 MIA Art Collection launched the first Virtual Museum exclusively for women artists “MIA Anywhere” and engages in numerous support projects on a global scale including art exhibitions, scholarships, MIA Residence, to name a few.
This year the MIA Art Collection exhibition titled “Fragility” is held in Dubai in collaboration with the Canadian University of Dubai and will exhibit work by international women artists sharing concern and creating consciousness regarding the social challenges women face in different countries today.

Fragility is an exhibition that focuses its energy on showing the relationship between the feminine, the natural and the craft of the contemporary woman artist, capturing in the exhibition different approaches and views of global artists.

Through this group of women artists, a conversation is generated reclaiming the place of women and importance of gender equality in the artistic environment.
While women within social structures may be fragile, at the same time this fragility makes them powerful, as it represents in its own way the fragility proper to Society. Is it perhaps the responsibility of an obsolete system that does not consider gender equality as an essential human right to achieve social evolution?

We want to rewrite history to break with stereotypes and release true emotions that take us into the feminine world, paying homage to life, simplicity and nature.
Let’s reflect on the reality that often we confuse fragility with weakness. While fragility coexists with strength, weakness does so with toughness. So strong and so fragile at the same time are contemporary women, although at the same time with such powerful voices in the artistic field, one wonders if their voices are or will become equally powerful in other fields? like technology?, in politics?, or within that little closed elitist group that writes history everybody? These are random yet relevant questions to generate a more philosophical reflection.

The venue of the exhibition is the Canadian University Dubai, carefully chosen because it is an educational and institutional space, which aligns with our philanthropic and educational interests and vocation. This university has more than 2,400 students who will permanently circulate in and around this exhibition, allowing us to show a different view to students and leaders of the future.
In recent years we have witnessed the harshness and lack of empathy of human beings, resulting in negative confrontations in many aspects. The world is leaping forward and we, as MIA Art Collection, reflect and continue with our goal of promoting women and their beauty of fragility.