Invited Artist

Silvana Pestana

The Peruvian artist graduated from the Toulouse Lautrec Institute of Design as a graphic designer in 1987. She continued her studies in New York and Rode Island, United States. Se has participated in more than thirty individual and group exhibitions in Peru and abroad. Her exhibitions at the Arsenal in Venice in 2017 stand out, as well as the one held at the important Millennial Museum of China and The China Museum of Morn Art. Her work is part of the permanent collections of the Nobel Collection, Zurich and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Universidad Mayor de San Marcos in Lima; Collection of the 21C Museum Kentucky, and of the Pinacoteca of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Silvana in her becoming woman / artist follows the dismantling route of rubber, cocoa, gold, its indiscriminate exploitations and its disastrous consequence, slavery, human misery, prostitution, the trafficking of girls and adolescents, the gradual extermination of the Amazon because of the sinister greed of capital that preys on territories and bodies, generating a tsunami of displaced and disappeared, of silences, of deletions, of what even if it is in a showcase you do not want to see, it is not convenient.

“I address the socio-environmental catastrophe caused by illegal mining, particularly gold mining in the jungle. The gold obtained with impressive devastations that no artistic trend confronts. Not even the one mainly motivated by the vocation of denunciation. Political or social or ecological. A silence perhaps linked to a certain aberrant consideration by predators whose supposed popular origin seeks to exempt them from all responsibility towards the land and its inhabitants. Thus, we contemplate the infinite sadness of a paradoxically twinned left, in some of its fringes, with the most predatory and savage capitalism. Absolute destroyer of all nature or culture: devouring the Amazon with rivers of mercury; reintroducing the most primitive systems of slavery and submission; decimating forests and native populations; prostituting teens and childhoods …”

Extracted from an interview Silvana gave to Cosas Perú Magazine

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