Invited Artist

Verónica Ruth Frías

Verónica Ruth Frías (Córdoba, 1978) is an artist with an extensive multidisciplinary career both nationally and internationally, who began her career as a painter, carrying out some early works in which she integrated collage with painting and which derived, from from the year 2005, in digital collages of performative photographic portraits, claiming paintings by historical artists or raising questions related to art and life.

From painting, she goes to other artistic formats, such as performance, which he used to perform alone years ago, making use of costume and makeup to show different identities. In recent times, women’s individual or collective participation performances are clearly feminist claims in her work and point of view, on various topics that affect us women within society. Some actions that since 2006 have usually expanded towards videos and photographs, something that has been seen in many of his artistic works, also sometimes helping social networks, such as Facebook, to make proposals for actions or collective collaborations in their jobs.

Her artistic feminist line of discourse has been developing through a multitude of projects, in which she uses art as an engine of change, with a critical look at social reality and the situation of women within it and the contemporary patriarchal system. . To do this, she generates works that highlight the inequalities of men and women and the subordination of these in our societies, using critical and questioning visual narratives of the roles assigned to women and female social and cultural stereotypes.

VERÓNICA RUTH FRÍAS – “Las invitadas” series.

The artist is involved with her works in social and political movements that seek not only equality between men and women, but go even further, towards a qualitative change and a better future society with different values. A movement that denounces and wants to change current patriarchal societies, where the dominance of men and the supremacy of masculinity continues to be established, maintaining the macho roles and the subordination of women, repeated generation after generation. Women have long been on the train of progress, and the most involved and committed advances at the sociocultural, economic, political and knowledge levels, but they continue to occupy the base of the pyramids of these different sectors, with a tiny minority those they reach the top.


In a recent interview with Inquire Magazine, she explained her artwork in a middle section between critic and humor: “Each person faces life in a certain way: there are sad people with no reason to be and people who smile at every step, no matter how hard this may be. Those different personalities are exported to the artist that you are since, for me, the artistic experience is a replica of our life experience. We all have the need to count our “miseries” in a certain way, shaping a certain style, that which makes it yours and not another. I know really sad artists who conceive creation as a process of suffering and full of terrible moments, however, as I do with my life, I prefer to take art with a certain tone of humor and irony before living in a bitter world in The one that only has room for depression – I already tried it and I had to go to the psychoanalyst.And from this sweet smile, or bitter depending on how you look at it, I can reach the people who are my first and fundamental mission, communicating my thoughts and reflections through the use of this language, humor can be a very sharp weapon. I think that the way I have to tell my life through art has not been a thoughtful decision but is a reflection of what I am.”

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