Pilar Elgueta (1989) lives and works in Santiago, Chile. She has been producing work and developing projects from 2010 to date.
Currently, in a time divided between work in her workshop and research in the field, the artist creates trips -physical and conceptual- whose results she puts into dialogue as heterogeneous constellations in media and supports. A production that comes from an origin from painting, but in which analog and digital are intermingled today, addressing specific long-term projects such as image theory, landscape history, natural disasters, symbols of the era of screens, urban supports, engineering failures and environmental problems.

In her work, from the installation and recording of actions in various media, she reflects on man’s relationship with the landscape and its representation, the effort / result equation and the limits of our possibilities: a dialogue of arrogance and humility where it confronts the time of human production with the time of modification of natural matter.

Investigating metaphors and actions in search of elaborating the question about wills and their futility, considering failure or wear as an aesthetic phenomenon.