Announcement MIA Press


MIA Art Collection, private art collection founded by philanthropist Alejandra Castro Rioseco launched its virtual museum on 2020 called MIA Anywhere, where it has showcased the work of more than 100 women artists from all over the world during the pandemic. Now, we present its second collaboration with BLOC Art Perú, a collection of Latin American Art founded by Brenda Ortiz Clarke.

Curated by Jana Ugaz, the new virtual exhibition is called ‘The Present We Inhabit’, an open invitation to question how things have changed during these uncertain times and showing the work of six talented Peruvian women artists: Valentina Maggiolo, Cindy Ramírez, Ivet Salazar, Sandra Cáceres, Heydi Mori and Liliana Ávalos.

Liliana Ávalos ‘Asiento de Combi’

“In the last 200 years, the landscape (tangible, real) we inhabit within these lines of the map has changed dramatically. What has not changed is the certainty that we are (we become) from these surroundings. The identity – place I inhabit relationship is inexhaustible, and this infinite multiplicity of interpretations is re-signified from the possibility, in the midst (still) of this pandemic, of losing everything that make sus who we are (we were?): families, relationships, routines, job, spaces…” explains Jana Ugaz about the statement that this virtual exhibition proposes to the world.

Cyndi Ramírez ‘Ofrenda III’
Heydi Mori ‘Great Landscape’

Inside this virtual exhibition, Starting Monday 16th August until Tuesday 31st, you can find Maggiolo’s paintings inspired by her love of pre-Columbian archaeology, rocks and bones. Cindy Ramírez puts her body into her art process in the research of different communication tools used by Andean cultures, such as quipus, tocapus and quechua language. You can also see inside this virtual exhibition Ivet Salazar ceramics and textiles, where she works with the concepts of identity and culture, Sandra Cáceres research of pre-Hispanic and colonial textiles by the Peruvian cultural traditions with her ‘Chronicles of the Earth’ installation, Heydi Mori series of landscapes and paintings installations and Liliana Ávalos intervention of the daily life items and objects turned into sil-screen prints, embroidery, soft textile sculptures, among others plastic platforms.

Ivet Salazar ‘Hundida’ (Drowned)

We invite you to see this collaboration between MIA Art Collection and its MIA Anywhere virtual museum and Bloc Art Perú, in the virtual exhibition called ‘The Present We Inhabit’ on Available for free, 24/7 at anytime and any place of the world!.