Self-taught, she began her career as an artist while studying Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires. Her figurative painting has been linked from the beginning to a process of writing and analysis of both philosophical and biological concepts. Her work unfolds primarily between the spaces of painting and drawing. She has exhibited her work in Argentina and in the United States. She currently lives and works in Miami.
Siguiendo la estela de los relevantes estudios de arte de fuera de Europa de la Universidad de Zaragoza, este curso presenta una panorámica histórica sobre el arte contemporáneo de varios países de Asia Oriental (especialmente, China, Japón, Vietnam, Indonesia y Tailandia), prestando especial atención al papel de la mujer dentro del mismo. Abordaremos el estudio sus manifestaciones artísticas desde sus primeros encuentros con la modernidad hasta el momento actual.
Jana Ugaz (Lima, 1990) is an artist and cultural manager, with experience in the production and curation of art exhibitions, application and participation of galleries in international art fairs, coordination of film festivals, literary meetings, talks and other events. cultural, both in Peru and abroad. By Bastian Marin, June 25th
Las artistas mujeres a lo largo de la historia se han visto y aún se ven enfrentadas a distintos y constantes desafíos y discriminaciones. Nuestra fundadora, Alejandra Castro Rioseco, ha demostrado que nuestra característica más importante y misión es coleccionar y visualizar el trabajo de artistas mujeres. Para ayudar a las artistas mujeres hemos dispuesto de un museo virtual, MIA Anywhere. Tras tan sólo 10 semanas hemos tenido el placer de compartir este espacio con artistas de todo el mundo, desde Iran a Honk-Kong, Brazil a España.
This week on MIA Anywhere, we have gathered the work of four female artists from around the globe. We bring these artists together in hopes to show the diversity of works and artists in MIA Anywhere. From photography, to illustration, sculpture to painting, each artist demonstrates immense skill and passion in their work. From Denmark, to Spain, from Iran to Turkey, each artist may have been unknown to the next but all make up part of the larger picture of women artists in the world. We are excited to announce this week’s collaboration will give each artist an exhibition room, allowing the public to submerge in each artists work deeply. In spite of all the differences that could separate these artists, we have found unity through sorority. As female artists and art enthusiasts, we lift each other up to rise as a whole.
Artists: Alba Escayo – Spain Mia Olise – Denmark Elham Soleimannezhad – Iran Serap Gecu – Turkey
While the range of themes of “Female Lenses for Art Activism” reaches far and wide, the artists intersect in their multi-layered and multi-faceted artistic practice. The artists on show deal with pressing issues and offer a female lens with which to view these. Consciousness, ancestry, sustainability, mental health, technology, and energies are some of the topics the artists tackle. But while their topics hardly intersect, their savvy artistic skill does. All these women show their work in unique multi-disciplinary ways that combine and remix forms to create work that demands to be seen. The urgency of their work urges us to see these artists as activists, for they are both pushing forth their female lenses with pride while also tackling pressing issues we must acknowledge and observe in our contemporary society.
Female-identifying artists everywhere face countless challenges in and out of the art world. MIA Art Collection’s mission, as defined by its founder Alejandra Castro Rioseco, has been to increase the visibility of female artists everywhere. The defining characteristic of MIA is to exclusively collect and promote female artists on a global scale. For our team and for people everywhere, COVID-19 has drastically changed the professional and personal landscape. To adapt to this situation, we have launched a new initiative which has brought our collection online. In MIA Anywhere, we showcase works from both our permanent collection as well as by visiting artists. After only some weeks running, we have featured the work of female artists from Iran to Peru, Brazil to Spain.
El siglo XX fue una centuria convulsa y preñada de cambios, de grandes revoluciones sociales y económicas cuyo contrapeso fue la proliferación de dictaduras que intentaban poner freno a unas libertades lentamente conquistadas ligadas a la consecución de sociedades más justas, igualitarias, y con un mayor reparto de la riqueza. Uno de los movimientos sociales heredados del siglo XIX y que a lo largo de este período empezaba a ponerse en práctica era el feminismo. Desde la demanda de las mujeres a acceder a la educación primaria y secundaria -más adelante también la superior-, hasta cambios en una legislación que se basaba en una presunta superioridad de los varones y que concebía a las mujeres como permanentes menores de edad. Otra de las exigencias básicas del siglo fue la reivindicación del derecho al voto.
As time passes, memory becomes diluted. Art histories’ memory seems to have more thoroughly and more quickly diluted the names of its female contributors. Many of the women involved in the arts have, thus, become large unknowns not only to the wider audience but to scholars, artists and historians.