Announcement MIA Press


#PorQueNoMeVes is a project to expand and make visible art made by women organized by MIA ART COLLECTION, led by its Founder and Director, Alejandra Castro Rioseco, in collaboration with ARTEINFORMADO @arteinformado . More than 300 women of 23 nationalities responded to the online appeal and, for this March 8, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, we have selected 15 of them for this curatorial piece that is available now for you to see inside our MIA AnyWhere Virtual Museum.

During February 11 and 24, 2021, any female artist in the world, directly or through her gallery, was invited to participate for free with one of her works in #PorqueNoMeVes by MIA ART COLLECTION. The hashtag of the call presents a double reading: On the one hand, it works as a questioning or questioning of the invisibility of women in art and, at the same time, it acts as an exhortation or appeal to see the work of this women creators.

The call has brought together the work of more than 300 women from 23 countries (United States, Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru, United Kingdom, Holland, Germany, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain). Now, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, we publish this curatorial piece with a selection of 15 of them, curated by Natalia Alonso Arduengo @natalia_alar

The exhibition is available NOW at the MIA Anywhere Virtual Museum, strongly committed to collecting and making the work of women artists visible and which currently brings together more than 1,000 works. During these days, we will present you the work of these women, but you can now go to as well as to see this incredible collaboration.

Announcement MIA Press

MIA celebrates the International Women’s Day

Inside the ME hotel Dubai, designed by female architect Zaha Hadid, Alejandra Castro Rioseco hosted a breakfast meeting celebrating the role of women in the art world.

Announcement MIA Press

Structures of Thought: The Work of Barbara Long

Every work of art demands from us thought, imagination, affection, challenging the viewer with different levels of demands.

MIA Anywhere Virtual museum MIA Press

Levitating in the Salon

MIA Anywhere
Levitating in the Salon
24/01/2021 – 07/02/2021

Levitating in the Salon refers to exploring an alternative world ungoverned by the laws that bind us to reality, a world beyond the laws of physics or society’s many unwritten rules. Levitating immerses us in the magical and occasionally risky realm of dreams and visions foreign to a comfortable salon. In the context of 2020 and 2021, amidst the coronavirus pandemic where “quarantine” and “isolation” have become part of our vernacular, many have realized that physical boundaries cannot restrain their creative spirits. 

Announcement MIA Press

Conversation about Chechen Contemporary -Art

We will be conducting an interview with all six Chechen artists from this week’s exhibition: @luisasoipi.jpg @asiya.sheshani @elonasaidoul @milana.alaro @asyaumarova @hedadaism alongside MIA Art Collection founder, Alejandra Castro and @noxchisurt founder and Mehkari curator, @anitayoloswagmoni . We hope to see you there! Please RSVP in order to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Announcement MIA Press

MIA Anywhere presents ‘Mehkari’ in collaboration with Noxchisurt

This week at MIA Anywhere, we are delighted to bring a new and exciting exhibition to the virtual landscape: Mehkari

Announcement MIA Press

MIA travels to Egypt

MIA Art Collection in Egypt: In an effort to expand our female-only art collection, our director Alejandra Castro Rioseco has traveled exclusively to Egypt with a group of collector friends.

Announcement Invited Artist MIA Press

Ai-Da Robot joins MIA Art Collection Virtual Museum

Ai-Da welcoming visitors to our virtual exhibition

MIA Art Collection’s virtual museum MIA Anywhere to host Ai-Da robot’s art exhibition, the world’s first artistic robot.

Announcement MIA Press

MIA Virtual museum: Hub/art Milano

We are thrilled to have a virtual and physical exhibition, at the same time, with HUB/ART @hubartexhibition from Milano and Greta Zuccali @gretazuccali , its founder and director. • A physical and virtual exhibition shows how women can articulate, due to collaborations and female support, a multidimensional experience.

Announcement MIA Press

MIA part of MtArt

We are happy to announce the participation of MIA art collection in this wonderful international collection committee.