MIA Press

Interview with Verónica Paredes

Picture: Verónica Paredes. Interview by: Bastián Marín.

1. How and when is your passion for art born?

Well, I do not think it was a precise moment, I think it is something that you bring from a young age, I always remember feeling encouraged by certain things through drawing or the pleasure of seeing details in images or in anything.

MIA Press

MIA & Plataforma ArtBase present: The Fantastic Female Construction

MIA Anywhere, in collaboration with Plataforma ArtBase are proud to showcase in virtual reality, the exhibition “The Fantastic Female Construction”, with the work of Ángela Arziniaga, Daniela Edburg, Eugenia Couoh and Verónica Paredes.

MIA Press

Exclusive: Argentinian artist Lucía Maman talks with MIA

Self-taught, she began her career as an artist while studying Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires. Her figurative painting has been linked from the beginning to a process of writing and analysis of both philosophical and biological concepts. Her work unfolds primarily between the spaces of painting and drawing. She has exhibited her work in Argentina and in the United States. She currently lives and works in Miami.

MIA Press

MIA Anywhere Virtual Museum presents: Great Spirits

Our Museum keeps going. Art teaches us the value beyond matter, beyond what we see, what is behind art is pure poetry.

MIA Press

Interview with Jana Ugaz

Jana Ugaz (Lima, 1990) is an artist and cultural manager, with experience in the production and curation of art exhibitions, application and participation of galleries in international art fairs, coordination of film festivals, literary meetings, talks and other events. cultural, both in Peru and abroad. By Bastian Marin, June 25th   

MIA Press

Desconocidas: seis artistas Ibero-americanas de los años 60 y 70

El siglo XX fue una centuria convulsa y preñada de cambios, de grandes revoluciones sociales y económicas cuyo contrapeso fue la proliferación de dictaduras que intentaban poner freno a unas libertades lentamente conquistadas ligadas a la consecución de sociedades más justas, igualitarias, y con un mayor reparto de la riqueza. Uno de los movimientos sociales heredados del siglo XIX y que a lo largo de este período empezaba a ponerse en práctica era el feminismo. Desde la demanda de las mujeres a acceder a la educación primaria y secundaria -más adelante también la superior-, hasta cambios en una legislación que se basaba en una presunta superioridad de los varones y que concebía a las mujeres como permanentes menores de edad. Otra de las exigencias básicas del siglo fue la reivindicación del derecho al voto.